Thursday, February 9, 2012

caramel ice-cream cake

This recipe is for the friends in the Southern hemisphere.  I live in Cape Town, South-Africa and we have had the most beautiful weather here the last few weeks... and ice-cream has been one of the things that I have been eating a lot of! :-)

What you need:
3 liters vanilla ice-cream
400g fudge broken into chunks
1 tin caramel treat

Using a mixing bowl big enough for the 2 liters of ice-cream to fit into (a metal one works well if you have one).  Line the bowl with clingwrap (don't worry if it creases).

Stir the caramel treat with a fork until smooth. Place half of the ice-cream in a mixing bowl and  stir until soft but not melted, then add the caramel treat to the ice-cream and mix well.  Place 2/3 of the ice-cream into the lined bowl , leaving a hollow in the middle. Put the bowl in the freezer.

Stir the other liter of ice cream until soft and add the pieces of fudge and mix, then spoon into the hollow of the caramel ice-cream, and cover with the rest of the caramel ice-cream.  Cove the bowl with clingwrap and place in freezer.

The longer it stays in the freezer, the harder it will become.

To serve, remove the clingwrap on top and turn the bowl upside down onto your serving platter.  Rub with a warm cloth and remove the bowl.

Serve with chocolate balls or chunky pieces of fudge :-)

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